Future Vision 2022 - 2026
Erie Trail and Related Trails:
Overview of “Future Vision (2022-2026)”
By Prairie Trails Club Inc.
The Prairie Trails Club Inc. (“PTC”) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization
with the mission of advancing, promoting, and maintaining greenways and
blueways in northern Indiana. In particular, the PTC seeks to support the
Erie Trail and its approved Connectors. The Erie Trail is a non-motorized
multi-use route on the railbanked former Erie Lackawanna Railroad in
Starke County, Indiana The trail extends eleven miles southeast from
North Judson to Starke County Road 700 East near Bass Lake.
The Future Vision (2022-2026) (“2022 Vision”) is the successor to the 2016
Erie Trail Future Vision [also referenced as the North Judson—Erie Trail
Future Vision Phase Plan Project Vision, August 2016] (“2016 Vision”). The
2022 Vision provides a five-year plan to build upon the 2016 Vision. Parts
of the 2016 Vision have progressed but are note yet complete. The 2022
Vision reviews their status and may refine or expand them. Also the 2022
Vision includes many new elements. When the 2022 Vision differs, the
2016 Vision is superseded. But the 2016 Vision remains in the PTC record
for context and history. The PTC shall begin review of the 2022 Vision by
July 1, 2026, and, as needed, make course corrections or prepare a new
document. The PTC shall consider, and shall take action upon, whether to
contract with an outside consultant when developing its 2026 Vision.
As discussed in the 2022 Vision which follows this overview, there are an
array of needs and opportunities on the Erie Trail and its Connectors. No
need should be forgotten and no opportunity ignored. With this backdrop,
the following priorities are recognized in this numerical order for the next
five years:
(1) Extension of the Erie Trail (perhaps named the “Grand Kankakee
Marsh Trail” or the “English Lake Trail”) northwest through North
Judson and onward to the Kankakee River as Host to TransAmerican
(2) Extension of the Erie Trail southeast from Starke County 700 East as
host to the TransAmerican Routes and considering the Tippecanoe
River bridge, Tippecanoe River State Park and the Panhandle Pathway
(3) Guidance for for Enhancing Trail Access and Connectivity to Services
and to Other Recreational Opportunities
(4) Collaborations with TransAmerican and Visionary Trails
(5) Collaboration on Development of Starke County Blueways
(6) Development of a Sustainable Strategy to Maintain the Erie Trail and
Connectors as Viable Bicycle, Pedestrian, and where appropriate,
Equestrian Routes
(7) Promotion of Signage and Other Projects to further the Enjoyment of
Historic, Scientific, Artistic, and Alternative Uses of Trail Corridors
(8) Index
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